Category: Uncategorized

  • Memes

    Memes Why do they matter? Memes matter because they have become a significant part of contemporary culture and communication. Memes facilitate cultural expression and reflect the ideas, attitudes, and humor prevalent in society. They often capture and express shared experiences, allowing people to connect and relate to each other across different backgrounds and communities. Memes…

  • An AI System Will Win An Art Contest

    Is Artificial Intelligence Usurping the Creative World? Is artificial intelligence going to overtake creativity in the modern world? This issue was discussed on Businessman Andy Frisella’s  “Real AF” Podcast with writer, Kyle Creek.  Frisella and Creek have an open discussion about how Artificial Intelligence is opening a realm of creativity to a group of individuals…

  • Digital Creativity Phase 3

    I actually found this assignment a bit difficult. After a few tutorials, I was able to gain a very rudimentary understanding of how to use Scratch. My goal was to depict a frequent occurrence in my Marine Corps career which was reporting my post on barracks duty. My goals was to create a more in-depth…

  • Digital Creativity

    Phase 1 For the first digital creativity assignment, I have chosen the Interactive Fiction module. I am interested in exploring a few options including Twine, Scratch, and StepWorks. I have never heard of any of these programs and look forward to discovering how they work and exploring what I am able to create. I am…

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Hello! My name is Dylan Kowalski. Welcome to my Website where I will be challenging myself to explore website design and creatively thinking. I will be posting using WordPress as it was recommended and seems user friendly. My other digital platforms linked below, including my social media pages and personal training website. LinkedIn: Where you…
