An AI System Will Win An Art Contest

Is Artificial Intelligence Usurping the Creative World?

Is artificial intelligence going to overtake creativity in the modern world? This issue was discussed on Businessman Andy Frisella’s  “Real AF” Podcast with writer, Kyle Creek.  Frisella and Creek have an open discussion about how Artificial Intelligence is opening a realm of creativity to a group of individuals who normally would not have the experiences and skills to create what AI is capable of creating using prompts and in/outpainting. Frisella, who opposes the use of AI in the creative realm states, “Just because you want to create, doesn’t mean you should be able to create if you haven’t experienced.” Frisella finds the use of AI in creative fields to reflect an easy way out of a long and difficult creative process. He compares this shortcut to someone who says they want six pack abs, but do not want to eat healthy or work out.

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They go on to discuss a photography competition won by Boris Eldagsen. Eldagsen used AI programs to create his submission and ended up winning the competition. Eldagsen admitted that he could not accept his award since he used AI programming to assist him and that the image was not authentic photography created by him. It was revealed that he was running a personal experiment, knowing that his work was not authentic, to see if the AI generated work was capable of winning.

What do the experts say?

Boris Eldagsen, Winning photographer  

“Just as photography replaced painting in the reproduction of reality, AI will replace photography,” He continued, “We, the photo world, need an open discussion. A discussion about what we want to consider photography and what not. Is the umbrella of photography large enough to invite AI images to enter – or would this be a mistake?”

Boris Eldagsen, The Electrician.


The World Photography Organization

The World Photography Organization did not take kindly to Eldagsen’s scheme. He was suspended from further activities with the organization for his deliberate attempts to mislead the organization. Despite the negative view on Eldagsen’s actions, The World Photography Organization has been forced to investigate the use of AI in other facets of the organization and take a look at this controversy as a whole. The organization has decided to be open to discussing the use of AI in image creation but do not welcome its use in their competitions. They stated, “While elements of AI practices are relevant in artistic contexts of image-making, the Awards always have been and will continue to be a platform for championing the excellence and skill of photographers and artists working in the medium.”

What does AI say?

When inputting the title question into ChatGPT, the response below was provided: 

Artificial intelligence (AI) has indeed made significant advancements in the creative world and has the potential to revolutionize various creative industries. AI algorithms can generate music, create artwork, write stories, and even compose poetry. However, rather than usurping creativity, AI is more commonly seen as a tool that enhances and collaborates with human creativity.

AI can assist artists and designers by offering novel ideas, automating repetitive tasks, or providing inspiration. It can analyze vast amounts of data and patterns, helping creators make more informed decisions. While AI-generated works can be impressive, they often lack the depth, emotional understanding, and subjective interpretation that humans bring to creative endeavors.

Ultimately, AI is a powerful tool that expands the creative possibilities, enabling artists to explore new frontiers and augment their creative process. The human touch and imaginative thinking remain vital in the creative world, ensuring that AI and human creators can coexist and inspire each other.

OpenAI. (2021). ChatGPT [Computer software]. Retrieved from

Chat GPT generates its responses from existing sources and scholarly articles. The information is created off of patterns and information collected from a vast dataset. This dataset includes books, articles, websites, and more. 


Based on the information from The World Photography Organization, Eldagsen, and even ChatGPT, it is clear the AI is capable of creating genius work. The defining feature that existing “artificial intelligence” programs lack is in fact, creativity. AI uses existing information to generate images, illustrations, texts, etc., but what it is missing is the capacity to create something entirely new. AI is trained on the creativity of others and is not a true creation. While of course, this technology can be used to create, it cannot be used to create an original. Even then, the user of the technology is not truly creating, they are still using software to do the work for them. AI technology removes the emotional and laborious process that is true creativity.

Call to Action

Preventing individuals from using AI tools to compete in art competitions can be challenging, but there are measures society can consider to ensure fairness and maintain the integrity of such competitions. Competitions must clearly outline the criteria for participation and specify whether the use of AI-generated works is allowed or prohibited. By establishing transparent rules, organizers can set expectations for participants and minimize conflict. Competitions can require participants to disclose whether their submissions involve the use of AI tools. 

In competitions, the judging criteria must emphasize human creativity, originality, and artistic skill. The criteria should emphasize works that demonstrate unique personal expression, emotional depth, and other criteria that AI may struggle to replicate convincingly. 

Finally, a well-educated society can foster discussions, organize workshops, and highlight the value of human creativity. It is important to strike a balance that embraces technological advances while maintaining the essence of human creativity in art competitions as well as in the creative world as a whole. By adapting rules, we can foster an environment where both AI and true creators can coexist and showcase their unique contributions.


  • Choice of question:  Did you choose a question about which there is currently misinformation or a lack of information? Your completed assignment should show that the question is a matter of some disagreement.

The question is absolutely controversial. There are varying opinions on how AI can/should be used creatively. Many believe it should be banned entirely, others believe there is a place for it in certain instances, and others believe AI opens doors to individuals who otherwise would have no creative skills and should be used as desired. 

  • Quality of explanation:  In answering the question do you write with clarity while still showing the level of nuance the subject requires?

Yes. The subject does have intrinsically deeper layers of thought, but to the depth required of this assignment, yes. 

  • Quality of Sourcing:  Do you source your support for the answer through the appropriate use of hyperlinks? Are your sources reliable, and do they tap into relevant expertise in the field? For questions where statistical evidence is helpful, do you note both the source of the statistics and any relevant information about how they were collected and by whom?

Yes. After a conduction of the CRAAP test on all sources, they are found to be credible, current, and reliable. No statistical evidence was used .

  • Clarity of reasoning. Does your conclusion logically follow from the evidence presented in your earlier sections?

The conclusions follows with the sources used, but also introduces some personal opinions. The calls to action are precise and applicable to the issue. 






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